Sunday, 18 May 2014

They say, often, a lot

Paddle hard or u will sink 
Is what they always said
I stood there trying to walk over water
Shunning wat I was fed
They said, I fled..

Think it as it should be 
They would often say
I stood there breaking barriers unseen
Thinking August in may
They said, I led

You are a failure in real sense
They often told
I stood there redefining what failure meant
Digging coal in gold
They said, I re-read

Time is running you live behind
I heard a lot 
Is living in future & past living at all
I often fought
They said, I didn regret

They said, I heard
Words went in air, blurred
They say, I hear
But saying won't let me change my gear
They will, I won't
Or will I?

-Diary of an Oxymoron 

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Language, is never a barrier to love: Travel-Diary

I have been to the hills and down to the dessert,
I have traveled far and near.
Seen the sunsets and the rises so high
Lived in freedom, cherished the fear! 
                                                       - Suchi Gaur

With a sad look on my face, I sat down as I took the subway train to the bus terminal that early morning. Living alone away from family was getting on me and maybe that was the reason I was running away from New York yet again. I mean, no sane person runs out of the charming magnificent NYC to a sub urban town. But there I was, dull and dusted just trying to get some sense as I cherished my love-hate past few months in New York.

I lived in a Spanish locality. The outskirts of Morningside area in Manhattan were interesting to live by. The Spanish store, the Spanish crowd, the fruit sellers calling me Senorita, the mixed Asian and Europeans breed trying to make the city Global, everything was magical. But that day as I sat in the train, I was on verge of giving up. Everyone and everything seemed so aloof. It was crowded yet I stood there alone in that global city.

And, sat next to me a woman. Well, I had always been taking the subways, smiling at strangers, waving at children and saying regular thank you and sorry to those who helped me and those I gave trouble to as my elbow touched them a little respectively. And amidst that heavy crowd and ever running brigade of people, some of whom I met every day, I was lonely. I was alone. I realized what fear meant as I realized what freedom did to me. I used to see cheerful faces, sad faces, sleeping faces and the straight faces too as I looked around, not offending or staring but merely observing, enough to create an impression on me.

So, while the woman, in her late 70s sat next to me, I sat down with my small suitcase ready to run out of the city to some solitude in silence. The wrinkles on her face and the Spanish words she kept murmuring made me realize how wisdom and whining links exist. I sat there quietly sulking my ass off as she noticed me. The notice that changed the way the day was about to move ahead.

“nombre??” she asked me. Of the little Spanish I had learnt in the past few months and my logical brain I struggled to wonder if she was asking me some number or my name. “Suchi”, I gave in, trying to attempt my Spanish understanding, or lack of one. And there she started speaking. The train journey that was supposed to be for some 25 minutes started on a dull note and went on to chattering noises of her mixed with the subway announcements and people rushing in and out. At few moments her voice cracked and she stopped to take a breath. I sat there, as she spoke to me, looking in her eyes trying to understand what she meant. I realized pretty early, she was telling me a sad story of her life. The arms, the gestures, the emptiness in the eyes and the hopelessness, all clubbed together to make me empathize with her pain. After all, I was in pain too. And pain, as I know, cuts through languages and cultures to create a bond. I smiled at her. Not a mockery or laughter but the smile that I thought I needed. She kept on narrating and talking in her shivering broken Spanish high and low pitches. I, sat there quiet, listening to her.

Her station was about to come. I realized as she got ready to get up adjusting the side pack bag on her body with the walking stick in her hand. “seguir sonriendo” she said as she placed her hand on my head, in form of blessing. She gave me a smile. A smile I realized was similar to what I gave her. A smile, I found missing from many hundred faces I crossed every day. A smile, that felt like love. It was later when I checked the meaning of what she had said that I realized that all she asked me to do is ‘keep smiling”.

As a person who likes to find solace by running away from realities, I have always been tempted to rush back to places which help me forget the pace and find a little part of me missing from the current sphere. And so, when I think of travel, I understand that what comes along is not just the highs of new city adrenaline rush but also the lows of being connected to your roots, where you come from. Not only does travel creates a freshness but also helps you find the reasons to a lot of present realities that exist in your life, the answers to many loosely lying questions around, in your grey matter. And while thats exactly what it does to me every single time, I come back with more love that usual. Love that goes beyond two humans, love that is much deeper and long term than any other committed relationship. 

The very moment that the subway incident happened to me, a Déjà vu took me back to a similar experience I had in a village in Bihar many years ago where in her broken rural Maithili tone a woman just like her had asked me to smile, more often. Alone and may be lonely as I was in Bihar, I was in New York and that very moment I realized what I ever needed, the smile, to come back to realities and cherish the present every single time. I got up at my stop and strolled down to the bus with a smile that had been missing for a few weeks from my face. In me she had found her punching bag, her cushion to speak, in her I had found my smile. I realized, love, has no languages, has no locations, no connections. You can find it where and when, you least expect it! 


And you ask me if I want it. 
What's the fun in questioning 
When all I will do is run away! 
Questions haunt me

And you ask me why the pain
What is good to question about it
When all I expect is you to know it
Because, questions haunt me

And you ask me what I need in life
What is good to questions wants 
When all I want is to sail through towards
Because, questions haunt me

And you ask me why I react as I do
What is good to question escapism 
When all I want is somebody to bring me back
Because, questions haunt me

And you ask me when will I decide
What is good to question d reactions 
When all I want is to enjoy actions alone
Because, questions haunt me

And u ask me how I see the future 
What is good to ques the un arrived
When all I want is 2 cherish the time together
Because, ques haunt me

And you ask, oh you ask
Answering to me has always been panicing task
Why wonder when I m here, why think hard
Because, questions haunt me!

The book of life, should not question
As if there weren't tests otherwise enough 
You ask, you wonder, you ques, I gasp
It Sounds tough!

It's a wish, you make 
It's a pain, put at stake 
It's a journey, then why future we wonder
Give in to moment, just.. Just surrender

Because, questions haunt me

- Diary of an Oxymoron 

कोई आरज़ू

कोई आरज़ू हो जैसे यूंह दबी हुई
कोई डर का बादल जैसे हो मंडरा रहा
क्या जानूं मैं कि क्यूँ ये करे है चंचल मेरा मन
असमंजसों के इस सागर में भटका यह कहाँ जा रहा


वोह था एक टेड़ा मेढ़ा आइना जो था मिला
जिसमें नहीं थी सही छवि अपनी दिखी
गम तोह इस बात का है आज भी
कि उसे ही हम जीवन की सचाई समझ बैठे


सन्नाटा या शोर, परछाइयाँ या विभोर
चाहिए तुझे क्या ए बावरे मन
आहट जो होती है हर एक बार
इच्छाएं रंग बदल देती हैं, तमन्नाएं बदल देती हैं पुकार

- Diary of an Oxymoron


Melting, in this land of heat 
As I try to stay afloat I often meet
The sunshine, the shaking land and wind crazy
Making me water, so hazy

I am falling, dunno where to flow 
No direction no place to go 
Uncertainties in my trembling self I see
Maybe waiting to phase out to free

the smiles r erasing out, 
In solitude I often pout
You see me as this shining flow
And I m here, shud I stand still or should I grow?

 oh sunshine, of land why the pain? 
Wat is there in phasing out to gain? 
Loosing a part of me every second of the day
April, or month f may

I enjoy the tremble, the suffocating knots,
On blank pages they are red blots
They make me feel alive, dying
It's no joke, no m not lying

should I enjoy the change or break free? 
Should I transform into new or just stay me?
Not easy, knot easy, it is to answer. Isn't it?

Meet, Routine

Head scratcher, scratched his head
The caretaker made the bed
The teapot helped us boil a bowl of water
Does routine, always matter??

The tube light was not so bright
On and off, the fan had another fight
Eat the muffin, break the bread
This is how routine is fed?

Curtain covered what was to b hidden
The horse sat quiet, un ridden
Music was noise out from the player
This is routine, fun stay steer!

The creaking chair was there to sit
The door was designed for him to fit
The cat me owed twice, as rat ran away
routine, adventure sway

The fruits were sweet, knife was sharp
shrieking noise was of the broken harp 
He ate it, chomp & chomp
Routine, risk u often stomp!

I looked at him, to see not stare
The sunlight on window pane gave it a glare
He looked young but old in mind
Routine, wisdom lost to find?

Move your butt, shake ur feet
Hit the gym, get out and meet
Do a thing new each day
Routine, so lost, only adventure will stay!

Mind needs fun, so does ur frame
You define ur fun, you give it ur name
Whatever makes u cherish change
Breaks routine, redefines ur range

- Diary of an Oxymoron