Thursday, 15 March 2012

Sometimes in life we have to stand up..

How far have to ever gone to make people realize that they are wrong in saying what they just said and that you are not going to take any shyt from them anymore?? What was the reaction of people around you? Am sure, if you are in a professional world, most of the times you would have been left isolated..Well..that's because you live in a world where very few people actually stand up and say what they believe in firmly.. reality as we all know is soo hard to digest..

I am so many times surrounded by people who belong to the majority category of "Oh-this-should-not-be-said-otherwise-u-know-what-will-happen".. I am as new to this world as a 2 year old is to school.. for me its totally unexplainable..I mean it was funny to me initially to see how even highly opinionated people stood in front of their bosses as numb about their opinions and feelings as they can be just to save their ass from being sacked or thrashed.. slowly it became frustrating as I saw that the number of such people getting bigger day by day, hour by hour.. Herein, I have today come down to the conclusion that there is no point getting frustrated over this.. Its not a battle worth fighting for.. Its all how it will be.. or maybe there is still this little hope in me and faith in future that makes me believe that the world (professional) will be a better place to work in someday..

But the key is that we dont loose ourselves in this whole "i-am-the-only-true-weirdo" battle.. Its the reverse of one stale apple in a bag full of fresh ones.. And actually its more difficult and happens more faster where in the influence of such people around is so huge that one doesn't even realise when they turn like them.. a moron to be precise..

But sometimes..I feel its important to step up and say what we feel.. Some recent past happenings have made me realise that its highly crucial to speak up.. even when people around you feel that you are being brash or they have this"oh-how-can-u" look on their faces when you actually speak up.. It releases you from this bag full of shyt that you have been taking from people around you..the art however is to make this process happen in the most smooth and stylized manner possible..

Sugarcoating is an art which I believe people like me lack the most.. and so, till the day I learn happy being brash and standing up for what I believe is right or wrong.. Well..hope that did make some sense!

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