Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Stars above me, fire within me

I have this silent rage that makes me restless inside
On face I am calm, confident and carry a smile
I try to hide, I laugh it and keep it aside
It crawls back to me, tells me to sort otherwise it will pile.

The life in my city is super swift, super fast
The sound, the lights and the thousands of people around,
They make me feel lifeless, hollow and empty, alone in a land so vast
The happiness is lost somewhere or still hiding, waiting to be found.

As I leave the crowd, the silence in countryside calls me aloud
Tells me that these are my roots, the roots of my soul
Brings back my smile, my heart beat make a normal sound
Make me wonder relevance of my life in this world, question my role

On one side is this city with building oh so tall!
On the other side lies a sky with stars shining so bright
The artificial world around makes me feel so small
If I could run away from the city, I just always might!

But I know I miss the city after a certain point
Because that’s my life, where I belong
Live in the moment, the words echo from every joint
And with a smile and a solution I sing my lullaby song

Today I sleep, with a smile as thousands of stars blanket me
No lights around but still I shine so bright
They make me feel blessed, they make me feel free
With a wish that they stay with me forever, I hug them tight!

(Written during a visit to a small village in South India. Cheers to random thoughts keeping me alive)

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