The old Banyan tree that
stands on the corner of the road,
Tells me a story wise and
The smell in the air and the
soil on the ground seem familiar to me,
I feel glad standing there, I
feel I can breathe, I feel free..
As I walk through the sides
of the old village road,
The tree is intrigued to see
my different expressions unfold.
On one side of the road
leading to the village is a small house,
There sits a man, with his
radio on and eyes shut,
His wife, the woman, mops the
floor, cooks the food fast as a mouse,
That’s not a new story, a
story of every home, house, hut.
But what amazes me is the
other side,
With a big building some six
floors tall and painted new
It’s a different world I see
on a different kind of ride,
With women still the same,
its too old yet different a view.
The big house is done, yet we
are the same,
Clothes change, values don’t,
rigid we are even if we get a new name.
I stand beside the years old
tree and question myself how and why,
It’s mindboggling, with no
answer even when too hard I try.
I realize as I touch the long
stems turned roots of the tree,
Are we moving too fast or
should we call it getting free.
A friend told me once that
old values are rigid and they bind,
They delay progress acting as
hurdles towards our goals.
I see them intact, I cant see
the change how hard I try to find,
What has changed is the
cover, when we wanted a change of roles.
People want multistory, they
want big cars and assets all,
But the sad part remains, as
life issues still crawl.
Women still run like the mice,
they still are unsure
Is getting assets, TV and
fridge the only cure?
Why are we loosing our
community roots and turning towards cities,
The thought makes me panic,
instead of creating any ease.
Who decides what values to
keep and what assets to value more?
Who decides what will work,
will sustain and who keeps the score?
Some say change is good, I
But what if change makes us
more bound than making us free.
I see the tree and I wonder
deep again,
Are these roots a symbol for
strength and being on the ground?
Are we heading towards any
gain or in for much more pain?
Are we on the right track or
is it the destination we have found?
My mind flutters, the tree
tries to ease me down,
“You think too much”, it says
as I am about to frown.
The journey has just started
and its heading towards a goal,
Everything will find a
direction and yes, you will find your soul.
I look inside my heart,
rootless and raw,
I feel a pain shoot up, its
as if my two sides I just saw
One side of me that wants to
still be on the ground,
The other side which is there
is hollow yet flies around.
My mind and heart debate
starts again as I try to question my life,
Black and white, good and
bad, who decides which is the right side.
I close my eyes and let the
sounds around fade away in air,
I feel soulless and its not
But then, am just a bud
waiting to spread my petals around,
My identity isn’t lost, its
still yet to be found.
With questions in my mind and
a heart filled with hope,
I begin my journey towards my
work, I walk down with a smile down the slope!
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