Saturday, 1 February 2014

Diary of an Oxymoron

Calm me down, I m back to panic mode 
Throw some water before I explode
Beyond the mode, lies a story untold 
Don't let it be buried, layer by layer it should unfold 
For we need to speak or else it stays 
Inside as trouble, then the future pays 
But think before u say it all 
It might just make u fall, n crawl 
The art of telling a tale is tough 
If done wrong, it might be rough 
For what u tell is not what ppl hear 
It might take things far, instead of making ppl near 
Honesty, is hard to digest 
But that's what all it is about the test

Speak up or shut down, u have to decide 
Whatever the result be, take it in ur stride! 

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