Friday, 12 December 2014


एक पत्थरों का गुम्बद है
और पंछियों का सुर है गूँज रहा
एक कहानी है जो लिखी नहीं गई
और एक सुनाने को मन मचल रहा

रंगीन इस शहर में
क्यों सफ़ेद और काला है यह पल
रूकते हुए जैसे कोई ग़ज़ल
आज शुरू होने को है

एक तो पत्थरों के हैं यह लोग अनेक
और बंजर इनका मन है बन गया
एक कविता है जो नहीं बनी
और एक अधूरा ख़्वाब है करवट बदल रहा

एक रौशनी की किरण
और अँधेरी कोठरी
एक खुला आसमान
और एक बंद दरवाज़ा

- Diary of an Oxymoron 

Friday, 5 December 2014

Hey Girl

Hey Girl
What seems the case with your eyes
Is that black, a color of your unwiped kohl
Or a hangover from the last night

It could be a color of your pain
Or that of your skin
So undefined it seems to me
So blind

Hey Girl
Did he hit you again?
Or his lingering thoughts
Of the past
Didnt leave your mind

It could be a color of the night sky
Trapped in ur sleepless eyes
Or the color of sleeplessness itself
Of the overworked kind

Hey Girl
Are you crying again these times?
Or you didnt stop at all from that day
Memories of the past
Ghosts of the future undefined

It could be the pain that numbed you
Or the emptyness that defines you at times
Hollow do you feel
Or does it burst ur mind

Hey Girl
I look at you
And look at my mind
For we all are one
In a million similar stories of women personified

It could be that i am making it all up
Or reading it beyond the visible lines
Of expression,
Of those snubbed truths around
This careless world living beside

Hey Girl
What seems the case with your eyes
Is that black color a depth of the universe
Or that black hole of the ache
Of the you, the me, combined.

- Diary of an Oxymoron