Thursday, 19 February 2015

Painless Wound

It stays there
nomatter what
the stitchless sturture
Bleeds often
red, black, blue
that is in its nature

I cant recall
the incident
the date, day, time
of the not-so-tragic fall
is it not important
or a lost cause
a bitter experience, sweet and sour

Did i hear you right?
Hah! Not worth the penny spent
This painless jerk
resting on my skin
has lasted enough
to become hard to mend

I cant recall
what makes it bleed
the trigger that stops the flow
It is not important
I guess I know
the joy
of the memory lapse
of the insatiable failure's glow

No cure
Or do I cherish the remains
of a memory long lost
For the pain
has ceased
and stain
Makes me, Me, Me, Me
So hollow

- Diary of an Oxymoron

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Same story syndrome

Describe it to me
A whole battle
Give me
An anecdote
Or a story

And the fuzzy linkages
Give me a point
Worth discussing

A painless stitch
Is still unhealed
Over the
Wisdom box
Of mine
Give me a peck
Of the healing

Here i m
The not so usual
Give me a phrase
Worth a

Fingers roam around
edges of
The round cup
Red cup
As clouds of pleasure
Give me
Moment, to cherish

What do i give back then?
If you
I laugh
The unsaid, undone
Bah! Its all just the same

- Diary of an Oxymoron

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

hazy clarity

oozing out of the head
a silent war
knuckles crackle
as I go, type type
the headlines
dont make sense
loose, lose, lost
sketching a picture
never seen
dramatic dullness
lullaby in spleen, numbing the skin
another tea
green in color
simmering the focus
into absent- mindedness
honk, or shout
into empty spaces
of the crowded vision
leading up to
or now-here?
scribble it off yet again
into a chaotic
blank slate

- Diary of an Oxymoron

Monday, 2 February 2015

tea & beer

too far
in the mind
a tea cup
and a beer undefined

sunshine and sea waves
spectacles and books
finding space
logic unhooks

momentary lapse
off the wisdom goes
a rollar coaster swirls
as the wind blows

queries pop up
and redness surrounds
will it be a memoir
or just a short story profound

- Diary of an Oxymoron